If you need find your partials are taking longer to be validated you may be approaching the max limit of plots your GPU can support. One option to add more plots is to use the RECOMPUTE service to add to your farm.
Instruction can be found at https://github.com/madMAx43v3r/chia-gigahorse/pkgs/container/chia-recompute
You can select any setup as the method to add computer power is the same.
In my setup, I don't use my farmer GPU but in all my harvesters, I use all the GPUs for computer power
Get a list of all your IP addresses that you want to use for recompute power.
In my example, I will use the following setup and we will use all computers for recompute.
Harvester 1:
Harvester 2:
On all your computers we will start the recomputer services
Any computer that had plots that want to use the recomputer plots have to be exported.
In this example we will export all computers
On your farmer:
On your harvester 1:
On your harvester 2:
This will be a list of all recompute hosts.
Run this on all your computers: The Farmer, harvester1, and harvester2
Your recompute servers should start automatically
XCH Address: xch1m059af0f5h9y9fkn263daz7tp6k3cj470kgn486c4024mhmp9hqszshxyr