Now that we have set up the farmer and the plotter, and we configured the hard drive to maximize the size, we want to start plotting and add them to the farm.
Open up the Terminal where you have the cuda_plot_k32_v3 file stored
Copy and paste the following code and configure it to your personalized configuration
sudo ./cuda_plot_k32_v3 -C 31 -n 1 -r 1 -t /mnt/temp1/ -2 /mnt/temp2/ -d /mnt/destination/ -c xch1pjr43zekv3pa49lctp7eatx7u3epalyzx69y3rra3xxw5ervzrnq3dg8l9 -f 8247cffe7cf2aedc617327971f3da206168e10d549ced5e178c4f9d791a6062f18c3fdc08f8aefa4daa794c478539086
After Plotting is finished you can now mount the drive to your farmer and add the plot to your config.yml
chia plots add -d /mnt/yourdrive
or you can type it in manually in your config folder
Start or re-start your farmer
./chia.bin start farmer -r
You should get an output something like this:
Okay, that's the entire series, but I will continue to add to the video as some are interested in features such as remote copying through plotsink. If I have any other ideas you'll be the first to know if you subscribe to my YouTube channel or follow me on X.
XCH Address: xch1m059af0f5h9y9fkn263daz7tp6k3cj470kgn486c4024mhmp9hqszshxyr