After obtaining your xch Namesdao name, if you have a website, you can use the limo service to forward your limo address to your website. In my case, I don't have a website but I have this blog and a seldom visited YouTube channel. I did a live video on how I, without and technical background got the limo service working to forward to this blog.
Namesdao limo website:
If you don't know how to do this yet, you can watch the video when I explain it briefly. In short, open up the Chia Official Wallet, click on settings, on the DID Tab, you should see the Create DID button
Surprisingly to me, this was just a simple Integer.
chia wallet show
You'll see in the video I really struggled running a JSON script.
Open up Notepad++ and copy the code.
"wallet_id": "FILL_ME_IN",
"metadata": {
"namesdao": "{\"FILL_ME_IN.xch\": {\"dns\": {\"default\": [{\"type\": \"CNAME\", \"host\": \"@\", \"value\": \"www.FILL_ME_IN\", \"ttl\": \"3600\", \"priority\": \"1\"}]}}}"
"fee": "5"
Note that there are 2 FILL ME IN sections
Under ENCODING, select UTF-8
Save the files as instructed as "namesdao_dns_config.json"
Run the following command, wait for the transaction to complete and run it again
.\chia rpc wallet did_update_metadata -j "LOCATION\namesdao_dns_config.json"
It's so much easier. No Powershell script
chia rpc wallet did_update_metadata '{"wallet_id": FILL_ME_IN, "metadata": {"namesdao":"{\"FILL_ME_IN.xch\":{\"dns\":{\"default\":[{\"type\":\"CNAME\",\"host\":\"@\",\"value\":\"www.FILL_ME_IN\",\"ttl\":3600,\"priority\":1}]}}}"}, "fee": 5}'
You can now visit my Blog by going to
XCH Address: xch1m059af0f5h9y9fkn263daz7tp6k3cj470kgn486c4024mhmp9hqszshxyr