
Chia Thursdays - Week 8

Chia Thursdays - Week 8Hi Everyone,I started Chia Thursdays over 8 weeks ago. I don't like spending my crypto so I started to put away $50 every week in my Tangem Hard Wallet. It's not a lot of money (yet) but I'm hoping after 9 more years when the last halving occurs, it will change my basement l

March 12, 2024

Gigahorse 3.0 Farming Series - Part 4: Re-gain 5% storage space

Gigahorse 3.0 Farming Series - Part 4: Re-gain 5% storage spaceBefore you start plotting, you need to understand how storage work. When you format your hard drive in EXT4 format, 5% of the space is reserved. That would mean if you are using an 8TB drive you are unable to store plots on 400GB. In m

March 11, 2024

Chia VLOG upgrading to Gigahorse 3.1 - Fix TimeOuts and Recompute Update

Chia VLOG upgrading to Gigahorse 3.1 - Fix TimeOuts and Recompute UpdateI posted about new Gigahorse releases that I don't see release notes. Anyway, I decided to do the update right away. I recorded the video Live how I do the upgrades.

March 11, 2024

MadMax Gigahorse Update 2.1.4.giga31 Gigahorse .3.0

MadMax Gigahorse Update 2.1.4.giga31 Gigahorse .3.0I got a YouTube comment that they are having some weird issue using Windows after plotting C30+ plots. I don't know what the issue is but that the Windows version was updated on March 10th after the giga31 release but still have the same version nu

March 11, 2024

Setting Ext4 Reserved Space to Zero

Setting Ext4 Reserved Space to ZeroBy default ext4 reserves 5% of your disk space. If you have a 16TB drive, you would lose 800GB of space. In terms of plots, that could be around 20 plots per drive.For Chia farmers that won't be writing on the disk, you can change the reserve to 0%.tune2fs -m 0 /

March 09, 2024