Chia farmers - Wen Upgrade? Chia Wallets v2.3.0 I've been reading through the release notes on v2.3.0 and I was debating WHEN I should upgrade my wallet.In the past, I would wait a couple of weeks because there is always a chance a bug might be found and a new release comes out. I also had th
May 02, 2024
Creating an offer on ABA for NFTs Introduction I just successfully upgraded my ABA wallet to v0.2.2 so I can test buying my first ABA NFT.As with most crypto projects, the early NFT projects have always become the most valuable NFTs and Steve Step has the first 2 collections on ABA, so I'm going to
April 29, 2024
ABA Core Wallet Upgrade v0.2.2 Windows Although I use Linux, I have been experimenting using Windows Powershell and since I have the ABA Core Wallet installed, I wanted to do make the video and blog about the upgrade to introduce more people to the ABA Project network. Requirements The Requir
April 28, 2024
ABA Core Wallet Upgrade v0.2.1 Linux WARNING: I'm new to CLI so it's going to be a rough ride In this BLOG I'll be upgrading the ABA Core to v0.2.1 using CLI.One of the features of the new version is the buying and selling of NFTs.If I succeed at this upgrade, I'll follow up with buying an
April 28, 2024 Feature Updates There's some amazing new features on that I discovered on their discord channel You can go to the feature-updates channel and see the latest changes. The New Blog Editor Image and Code Block is Amazing I inde
April 26, 2024