Earn HOA - Stake XCH-HOA LP using the OzoneWallet and receive HOA staking rewardsThis was my first time using the Ozone Wallet and the interface and setup is just amazing. The Ozone Wallet is a mobile app so I guess there are different challenges but now that I have it installed on my phone, I'm go
March 05, 2024
This Week in Chia by Steve @steppsr Week of March 3rdCatching up with This Week in ChiaChia Highest Market CapMintGarden Web MintingDataLayer DIG is LIVEHi Everyone,Every Sunday after work, I look forward to reading This Week in Chia and then one day I was thinking that it's even cooler to make a Yo
March 04, 2024
MYXCHSPACE - How to embed YouTube Videos on your BlogWhen embedding YouTube videos, the shared URL is often shortened. When embedding the YouTube video you will receive and an error, "www.youtube.com refused to connect.To fix this you can edit the shared URL link. Here is an example:Shareable Link:
March 01, 2024
MYXCHSPACE - Setting up my LINKS PageAfter setting up my Profile and using the Toggle Buttons I have 2 Links on my Profile Page.When you go to your LINKS Tab you will still see you have no Linkshmmm... now that I'm on the MyXch.Space platform all my links are already here.I decided to add my YoutTu
March 01, 2024
Profile SetupStarting from here:Want to get to here:Click on the Profiles Tab and then Edit UserHere are some of the cool feature you can add on your ProfileAlternate XCH Address: xch1m059af0f5h9y9fkn263daz7tp6k3cj470kgn486c4024mhmp9hqszshxyrDiscord Name: thecryptoechoChia DID and toggle to display
March 01, 2024